Assessment Solutions
Make data-driven decisions a priority.
At Bare Minimum Assessment, we believe that organizational assessment shouldn't be complicated. Assessment should be the guiding force in your organization to help drive decision-making, and we can help you get there through any one of our comprehensive services.
Skills Training & Development
Your professionals need the skills to conduct assessment & analysis. We can help.
Worried that your assessment efforts are missing the mark? Our expert consultants provide comprehensive consultation services, including key findings and recommendations to improve your assessment.
Full-Assessment Services
You know you need to be doing assessments and exploring your organization's data, but you don't have the bandwidth. Let us do it for you.
Talent & Experience
Years of Experience
Surveys Designed
Large Organization Consultations
Full-Assessment Services Fulfilled
About Us
Our experts are on-point.
Our consultants and trainers provide assessment expertise minus the burden. Our team has extensive backgrounds in research methodology, data analysis for business decisions, report-building and visualizations, and client relations.
Our trainers provide skill development and innovative methods to help your employees learn to easily collect, analyze, and report on what's happening in your organization so you can make informed business decisions.
Our consultants provide expert feedback and direction related to research design, instrument development, incorporating EDI into your assessment practices, and appropriate reporting methods for various stakeholders and situations.
Too busy to conduct your own assessments? We'll do the heavy lifting for you. Our experts have practice in designing comprehensive program assessment specifically for your organization.
Client Testimonials
The consultant is very clearly an expert in assessment and JEDI best practices. I absolutely love how this training was research-based and contained practical application.
-Skills Training Client
I loved the honesty in this presentation. I've heard a lot about starting to leave off demographics because it 'shouldn't factor in' but the way she phrased how to include demographics and be intentional with the information was so important.
-Assessment Presentation Attendee
Potentially the best presentation I've ever attended. Extremely useful and applicable information. It's absolutely necessary for all organizations to practice better assessment development and include EDI principles. Also, the presenter was fantastic.